Momentum and systems when raising startup capital - with Jamie Johnston

A conversation with Jamie Johnston, CEO and co-founder of Mattr.Social, an innovative dating app that is a safe space for everyone to connect and find their match, without judgment or prejudice. Jamie discusses the challenges and strategies involved in validating and bringing an idea to life. He also shares insights from the steps he took to raise pre-seed capital for his startup, leveraging his experience in sales. His approach enabled him to get some of the top industry leaders in his space to invest in Mattr.Social. Then, building on that momentum, he has been successful in bringing other investors on board. 


00:01 - Introduction of Guest Jamie Johnston

00:49 - Inspiration Behind Mattr Dating App

01:52 - Niche Discovery in Dating Market

03:24 - Attracting Industry Leaders as Backers

04:33 - Leveraging Networks for Investor Meetings

06:29 - Role of Validation in Startups

08:10 - Importance of Market Research Pre-Fundraising

11:59 - Applying Sales Experience to Fundraising

13:23 - Success Through Cold Investor Outreach

15:47 - Essential Sales Skills for Founders

18:50 - The Crucial Sales Role of Founders

21:56 - Strategy for Keeping Investors Informed

24:05 - Importance of Founder Mental Well-Being

26:36 - Final Thoughts and Entrepreneurial Advice