$597.00 USD

Every month

Upgrade to increase your outreach to a total of up to 400 curated angel investors per month.


Angel Investor Outreach (standard plan)

* You can pay with any credit or debit card (the options will appear after you press the PayPal checkout button). 

Reach out to 200 qualified angel investors per month. Investor quality guaranteed.
As part of your onboarding to our service, you will be required to sign up for a third-party software provider (Expandi), at no extra cost, to give us access to your personal LinkedIn account. We will operate your LinkedIn account to reach out to investors directly and in person on your behalf. This is the best way to connect with angel investors. 
This service requires having at least 800 contacts on your personal LinkedIn account, and a compelling offer to investors. Payments are non-refundable, but you can unsubscribe at any time. 
For the full terms of use see the link below.