and Sales
Mindset and
Full expert and
mentor profiles

Book a focused session with top startup experts

Choose a topic and book a session to take your startup to the next level. 

One-on-one, focused sessions with some of the best startup experts and mentors available. 

Get Ready to Pitch Investors

Your next step raising capital

with Christine Outram

Get guidance on your next move raising capital. When should you approach VCs? What should you focus on now?
Based on a tried and tested playbook Chrstine used to raise millions of USD from VCs and angels, tailored to your needs. 

A 45-minute one-on-one strategy session with Christine Outram , a serial entrepreneur with multiple exits, who raised millions of USD. 

Sharpen your story and pitch

with Moti Elkaim

Brush up your pitch and align your startup's story. Moti will help you tell your startup's story in the most compelling and exciting way to investors. A must have session, especially if you are preparing to pitch investors in a meeting or an upcoming event. 

A 45-minute one-on-one session with Moti Elkaim. Moti helped some of the top startups in Israel and NYC raise millions from top VCs.  

Pitch deck review

with Tzakhi Freedman

Get honest feedback on your investment pitch deck. Quick, actionable and focused advice to radically improve your chances of success.


A 45-minute one-on-one session with Tzakhi Freedman, founder of Meet.Capital. 

Capital and Fundraising Strategy

Equity crowdfunding strategy

with Christine Outram

Learn the strategy, tactics, and hacks that Christine Outram used to raise more than $2M for her startup on Wefunder. 

A 45-minute one-on-one strategy session with Christine Outram , a serial entrepreneur with multiple exits, who raised millions of USD. 

Cap table management

with Ivan Hoo

Review your cap table and plan how your cap table will be affected by your next financing rounds, comp plans, etc. Good capable management will make it easier to raise capital and protect your stake in the company. 

A 45-minute one-on-one session with Ivan Ho, an experienced CFO and startup founder, who helped startups raise tens of millions of USD. 

Exit strategy and execution

with Mark Eagle

From all types of M&As to IPOs, Mark Eagle has been a part of almost any type of exit transaction, both as a founder and investor.  Mark has seen it all firsthand and will help you think through your exit strategy and execution.

A 45-minute one-on-one strategy session with Mark Eagle, serial entrepreneur and investor with 2 big exits, and 30+ years of experience as a CTO, COO, and more.

Due diligence preparation

with Ivan Hoo

Start putting things in order, so that your documents, data rooms, and financial plans are ready to pass an investor's DD.

A 45-minute one-on-one session with Ivan Ho, an experienced CFO and startup founder, who helped startups raise tens of millions of USD. 

GTM, Sales and Business Strategy

5X your website conversions

with Christine Outram 

Look closely at your website, and find what can be fixed to 5X your website traction and conversions. 

A 45-minute one-on-one strategy session with Christine Outram , a serial entrepreneur with multiple exits, who raised millions of USD. 

GTM strategy review

with Mark Eagle

Rethink your go-to-market strategy and get on track to a more viable GTM strategy that leads you to success. 

A 45-minute one-on-one strategy session with Mark Eagle, serial entrepreneur and investor with 2 big exits, and 30+ years of experience as a CTO, COO, and more.

Financial modeling /planning

with Ivan Hoo

Get an initial assessment of your financial or business plan and get on track to building one that wins investors over. 

A 45-minute one-on-one session with Ivan Ho, an experienced CFO and startup founder, who helped startups raise tens of millions of USD. 

Growth marketing strategy

with Moti Elkaim

Review your growth strategy and marketing channels. Get an initial plan on the type of marketing best suited for your needs. 

A 45-minute one-on-one session with Moti Elkaim, an experienced marketer who helped some of the top startups in Israel and NYC accelerate their growth as a fractional CMO. 

MVP and business traction

with Mark Eagle

Review your MVP plan, and get your startup business traction in the fastest and most cost-efficient way possible. 

A 45-minute one-on-one strategy session with Mark Eagle, serial entrepreneur and investor with 2 big exits, and 30+ years of experience as a CTO, COO, and more.

Mindset and wellbeing

Mindset upgrade for founders

with Rachel Hamlin

Get clarity on where you are on your journey, and regain your sense of purpose and resolve. Find your focus and calm with a neuroscience-backed approach.

A 45-minute one-on-one session with Rachel Hamlin, a mindset coach to founders and execs. 

Anxiety/stress relief

with Rachel Hamlin 

All founders find themselves at times dealing with stress, anxiety, imposter syndrome, or overwhelm. Regain your balance, with a neuroscience-backed approach.

A 45-minute one-on-one session with Rachel Hamlin, a mindset coach to founders and execs. 

Christine Outram

Growth-hacker. Multiple exits. Raised millions.

Christine Outram is the CEO of ed-tech startup Everydae and a serial entrepreneur with multiple exits, who raised millions of USD. 

She specializes in systematizing your growth through sales and raising capital.

 Listen to Christine on the Meet.Capital Startup Podcast. 

Schedule with Christine for 

- Your growth strategy
- A proven capital-raising playbook 
- Customer acquisition
- How to 5X website conversions
- Building a B2B sales team
- Equity crowdfunding strategy
- Exits/exit strategy


Moti Elkaim

Startup Storytelling Master

Moti Elkaim is the founder of Atlantic Brands, an agency specializing in investor pitch decks, public speaking workshops, and fractional CMO services.

Moti helped some of the top startups in Israel and NYC raise millions from leading VCs.  

Listen to Moti on the Meet.Capital Startup Podcast. 

Schedule a session with Moti for 

- Tailoring your startup's story.

- Refining your pitch to investors. 

- Preparing to speak at an event.

- Growth marketing. 


Ivan Hoo

Startup Financing Wizard

Ivan Hoo is an ex-CFO of SaaS, e-commerce, and marketplace startups.

Ivan has a proven track record of assisting over 60 startups in securing upwards of £30 million in funding, from investors such as IQ Capital, Founders Factory, and Haatch Ventures.

Listen to Ivan on the Meet.Capital Startup Podcast. 

Schedule a session with Ivan for

- Financial Modelling & Planning

- Investment documents review

- Cap table preparation and modeling

- Fundraising Strategy

- Due Diligence Preparation 

Mark Eagle 

Founder, investor. Multiple exits. Tech and Ops leader. 

Mark Eagle founded his first startup 30+ years ago, and since was a part of two big exits, served as a COO in a public company and a CTO in several others. He was involved in a dozen M&As, helped raise millions for some of his companies, and bootstrapped others. 

He is trained in computer science and industrial psychology, and has mentored numerous startup founders. 

Listen to Mark on the Meet.Capital Startup Podcast.   

Schedule a session with Mark for guidance on

- Building a lean MVP

- Your GTM strategy

- SaaS software development. 

- Aligning business and tech goals



Rachel Hamlin 

Founder mindset and focus coach

 Rachel Hamlin is a mindset coach to founders and execs. She leverages mind *and* body to create sustainable change for her clients on a subconscious level.  Past life in product leadership and brand strategy.

Listen to Rachel on the Meet.Capital Startup Podcast.

Schedule a session with Rachel  for  

- Upgrading your mindset 

- Releasing stress

- Clarity on a problem

- Dialing your focus


Tzakhi Freedman 

Founder of Meet.Capital

Tzakhi Freedman is the founder of Meet.Capital. He helped raise millions of USD for early-stage startups and VC funds, from angels, VCs, and family offices. 


Schedule a session with Tzakhi for  

- A review of your pitch deck

- Online presence/LinkedIn profile setup

- Organic LinkedIn growth

- General consultation / business strategy.