We speed up your startup's journey to capital and success.

Join 6,000+ founders and investors and get 5 weekly tips from top leaders and experts. 

We speed up your startup's journey to capital and success.

Join 6,000+ founders and investors and get 5 weekly tips from top leaders and experts. 


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Three Ways We Speed Up Your Capital Raise:

1. Capital-raising Toolkits

Packaged solutions to help you raise faster: Guides, courses, and an investor database.


2. Curated investor lists

Time-saving, hand-selected lists of active VCs and angel investors. 

Investor Lists

3. Meet angel investors

Our experienced team will get you in meetings with the investors you want. 

Meet Angels

What Founders Say:

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About Meet.Capital

I'm Tzakhi Freedman


Meet.Capital was born in my previous startup,  when I figured out a consistent and effective way to connect with angel investors. We're here to speed up your capital raise, and support all early stage founders on their way to success.

Before founding Meet.Capital, I've helped raise millions of USD as an investment banking consultant and advised many innovative tech startups on strategy and business development. I also founded (and failed) a startup, worked as a psychologist, taught at Tel Aviv University, and published a book of translations from Sanskrit to Hebrew. I live in Tel Aviv with my wife and three children. 

Three Ways We Speed Up Your Capital Raise:

1. Capital-raising Toolkits

Tools, guides and investor lists to help you raise faster. Packaged solutions and support. 

Startup Toolkit

2. Curated investor lists.

Time-saving, hand-selected lists of active VCs and angel investors. 

Investor Lists

3. Meet angel investors. 

Our experienced team will get you in meetings with the investors you want. 

Meet Angels

5 startup success tips. Weekly.

Bonus: a curated list of 500 active seed VCs.

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